Vivekanandam and the story of our independance

VivekanandamFirst PartSwamy Vivekananda is the flame of the wisdom of India - he explained the inner power of our land to the world by his bold speeches on philosophy in England as well as in America in his 30th year. His elevating thoughts, the sparkle of his vigorous speeches, his words of wisdom and the true greatness of his renunciation are included in this book.Second PartThe Story of our IndependenceOur IndiaThe struggle for freedom, which started in 1847, ended in 1947. (It was in the year 1847 that Nana Sahib and Ali Mullah Khan joined together in Brahmavartha (now the name of the city is Bithoor in Uttar Pradesh in India) and vowed to work for Indian independence and started to amass war weapons and an army. Ali Mullah travelled to Europe and even went to Russia to get arms). In these hundred years the sacrificial flames burnt brightly. So many great people gave up their lives in this flame. We are reaping the benefits of their great sacrifices.India is not merely a land - it means a sacred land where great people live.Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9782940393701
Éditeur ASSA
Date de parution 01/05/2015
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